
Friday, May 31, 2013

Entering the Twitterverse

I have used Twitter in the past, but only to socialize and communicate with friends.  I guess I didn't really GET it and didn't see the educational value in it.  Yep.  I couldn't have been MORE wrong.

I never really understood how to use hashtags to actually have a virtual conversation with other educators.  I went to this week and actually followed a #nebedchat.  It blew my mind.  After only one time of kind of following along, I can see the great potential for an answer to any educational question.  I think #nebedchat stands for Nebraska Educator's Chat or something like that.  Anyway, it will be a great way to build my PLN and connect with likeminded individuals from across the state.  I have also seen #edchat on Twitter, but haven't participated in a chat with them yet.

I also enjoy all the nifty ways people integrate Twitter and Tweeting into different types of lingo. Examples include:

twabe (or twabes): Slang terms often used on Twitter to refer to a young woman. Can also be used as a flattering term that has roughly the same meaning as “dear” or “sweetheart.”
twabstinence: A slang term used to describe someone’s decision to cut back on their Twitter time because it is preventing them from completing their work or other important daily tasks.  
twabulous: A slang term used to describe a fabulous tweet.
Twaffic: Slang term used to mean "Twitter traffic."
Twalking: Slang term used to describe someone who is walking while they tweet, using a mobile device.
twart: A slang term meaning “Twitter art.”


Anyway, I am excited to see what else Twitter has to offer!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Article Review - 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have

At my brand new school (Norfolk Senior High School in Norfolk, Nebraska) 21st century learning is important.  So important, in fact, that it is seen in the mission statement, "Preparing all students to succeed in the 21st century." In the article, The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have, the author discusses the vast amount of technology thrown at teachers on a regular basis and offers ten specific ways we can stay connected while not feeling overwhelmed.

Perfect.  Because let's face it - it's summer and the word, "overwhelmed" is not in my vocabulary.  Words that ARE in my current vocabulary include coffee, lake, sun tea, Geocaching, and Diet Pepsi. :)

I do an above average (but not stellar) job of , "not being afraid to fail." Man, I have had technology-based lesson plans that have TANKED before.  After internally crying for a moment and debating whether God hates me or not, I try pick myself up and go to Plan B.  Sometimes there IS a Plan B.  Other times - not so much.  Regardless if Plan B exists or not, I try to go with the flow and take deep breaths.  After class or at the end of the day, I drown my sorrows in Diet Pepsi and try to figure out what went wrong.  Sometimes there is an easy fix and other times not so much.

I also think I have an rock solid online reputation.  I may not be in the popular crowd, but I don't have to sit alone at the online reputation lunch table either.  My online reputation is well-guarded and carefully managed. It's basically like a bank vault at Gringolds.

My mother would agree, however, that I struggle with disconnecting.  I should enroll in a tech addicts program.  Hi, I'm Taryn and I have a problem.  Sometimes I "wake" up with a full beard (just kidding, I'm a lady) and wonder where the last three days went, only to discover I've been on a tech bender.   Just kidding, BUT I do need to be more mindful to unplug.

Anyway, I must end this for today.  There is a Geocache that is .03 miles from my house and it's calling my name!  My eight-year-old Beagle, Coco, and I must disconnect and leave the house for a bit.

New Beginnings

I feel victorious because I finally figured out how to hook my iPad to a Bluetooth keyboard.  I no longer have to peck at keys on my iPad! I had to part with a very important piece of my life last week - my Auburn High School MacBook Pro.  Let's take a moment of silence to mourn my loss.....

Now that we have paid our proper respects, I can now move on.

I'm now a resident of Norfolk, Nebraska.  After unpacking and setting up our house, my next order of business is to figure out how to pronounce Norfolk....or Norfork.....or Norfuhk.

In other news, I am starting the Summer Technology Challenge offered by NSHS! I think it is going to be amazing.  I am sure my next few posts will discuss different challenges I must complete.  

I know summer has only juuuust started, but I am anxious to get started working in my classroom! 

More later!