I never really understood how to use hashtags to actually have a virtual conversation with other educators. I went to TweetChat.com this week and actually followed a #nebedchat. It blew my mind. After only one time of kind of following along, I can see the great potential for an answer to any educational question. I think #nebedchat stands for Nebraska Educator's Chat or something like that. Anyway, it will be a great way to build my PLN and connect with likeminded individuals from across the state. I have also seen #edchat on Twitter, but haven't participated in a chat with them yet.
I also enjoy all the nifty ways people integrate Twitter and Tweeting into different types of lingo. Examples include:
twabe (or twabes): Slang terms often used on Twitter to refer to a young woman. Can also be used as a flattering term that has roughly the same meaning as “dear” or “sweetheart.”
twabstinence: A slang term used to describe someone’s decision to cut back on their Twitter time because it is preventing them from completing their work or other important daily tasks.
twabulous: A slang term used to describe a fabulous tweet.
Twaffic: Slang term used to mean "Twitter traffic."
Twalking: Slang term used to describe someone who is walking while they tweet, using a mobile device.
twart: A slang term meaning “Twitter art.”
Citation: http://www.webopedia.com/quick_ref/Twitter_Dictionary_Guide.asp
Anyway, I am excited to see what else Twitter has to offer!